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Adminer is a simple php-based tool to administrate a mysql database.
Website: https://www.adminer.org/de/
Dockerize Adminer
Adminer can be run in a docker-container to manage a mysql-database which is running in a separate container.
This is the service that should be included: (as taken from the official mysql docker-hub page)
image: adminer
container_name: adminer
- "8080:8080"
How does it work?
image: adminer uses the image „adminer“ from Dockerhub to create the container
container_name: adminer specifies the name under which the container can be addressed once created
ports specifies the port where adminer should run. Within the container (second port) it runs on port 8080. You can forward it to any post on the host by changing the first port number, just make sure it is not where your database is running.
Annif uses a combination of existing natural language processing and machine learning tools including Maui, Omikuji, fastText and Gensim. It is multilingual and can support any subject vocabulary (in SKOS or a simple TSV format). It provides a command-line interface, a simple Web UI and a microservice-style REST API.