Job offer: Student assistant (with or without degree) (m / f / d) 30-40 h/month in Digital Humanities / Applied Computer Science

Within the project “Digital Academy” of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities at Göttingen, one positions is available as of 01.01.2024 or later for a

Student assistant (with or without degree) (m / f / d)

to be filled with up to 30-40 hours of monthly working time.

Your tasks

  • Work in the field of curation of research data, system administration and development of digital web applications and interfaces to support research projects in the humanities.
  • Participation in the implementation of standards and solutions for the long-term provision of research data and applications from the field of the digital humanities.

Your profile

  • Degree (BA) in computer science or another subject (e.g. humanities) with corresponding knowledge in computer science preferred.
  • First Experience or knowledge of system administration (Linux, Docker) and / or web application development. Apache Lucene / solr would be ideal.
  • Good German and/or English language skills, knowledge of programming languages, e.g. Python, PHP, Javascript or similar.
  • Knowledge of or interest in the field of digital humanities.
  • Efficient way of working, good communication and teamwork skills.

We offer

A committed and motivated team with flexible working conditions and the opportunity to gain valuable experience in a very popular work environment.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the project:

Dr. Jörg Wettlaufer, Telefon: 0551 39 37047 oder .

Please send your application by email to  by December 15th, 2023.

The academy aims to increase the proportion of women in areas in which women are underrepresented and therefore encourages qualified women to apply. It also sees itself as family-friendly and promotes the compatibility of science / work and family. Severely disabled people will be given special consideration if they are suitable.

Travel and application costs cannot be reimbursed.

We would like to point out that the submission of the application constitutes consent under data protection law to the processing of your application data by us. You can find more information on the legal basis and data use at:

Bericht vom Treffen der Digitalen Akademie am 16.11.2023 🔒

Entschuldigung aber dieser Post ist nur für angemeldete Benutzer sichtbar. Wenn Sie Mitglied der Digitalen Akademie werden und Zugang zu diesem Inhalt erhalten wollen, dann melden Sie sich bitte unter bzw. im Menue Digitale Akademie > Anmeldung an. Sie werden dann nach Überprüfung umgehend einen Account erhalten und können die angefragten Seiten einsehen.

Online Workshops 4memory: From Books to Bytes: The Digital Transformation in Historical Studies – Learning, Teaching, and Research in the Age of Digitization

From Books to Bytes: The Digital Transformation in Historical Studies – Learning, Teaching, and Research in the Age of Digitization.

The professional handling of data is a virulent topic across the boundaries of all disciplines. NFDI4Memory addresses this in order to (further) develop data literacy in the historical sciences and subjects working in history and to support the community in mastering the digital turn.

The event series „From Books to Bytes“ will start in October 2023 and will regularly present current topics and relevant fields of application in research and teaching with experts, researchers and teachers. It is designed in such a way that after short thematic introductions, participants will have the opportunity to independently engage with the presented content in hands-on sessions. We welcome your participation, both for individual dates and for the entire series of events.

The event will take place digitally at 10 a.m. on the dates listed below.

Presentation room
Meeting-ID: 691 4856 0192
Kenncode: M0gcpwTh

Bericht vom Treffen der Digitalen Akademie am 19.10.2023 🔒

Entschuldigung aber dieser Post ist nur für angemeldete Benutzer sichtbar. Wenn Sie Mitglied der Digitalen Akademie werden und Zugang zu diesem Inhalt erhalten wollen, dann melden Sie sich bitte unter bzw. im Menue Digitale Akademie > Anmeldung an. Sie werden dann nach Überprüfung umgehend einen Account erhalten und können die angefragten Seiten einsehen.

Online-Konferenz: The Future is Now: A Symposium on Collaborating for Sustainability in Digital Research, Freitag, 29. September 2023,15:30-18:30 Uhr (German Time)

All recordings of the sessions are available at:

Download PDF program for the symposium

The Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI) warmly welcomes you to a virtual half-day symposium on collaborative efforts to ensure the sustainability of digital research. Digital scholarship is firmly established in the research landscape and many digital projects are used extensively with development spanning decades. However, the hurdles researchers confront in ensuring the enduring accessibility and functionality of their digital projects differ significantly from the challenges encountered during the initial creation of innovative digital tools. 

The symposium will be an opportunity to explore the diverse strategies that digital humanities researchers use to ensure the lasting sustainability of their projects. We will explore inventive collaborations within the digital humanities community and spotlight approaches through which researchers in North America, the UK, and Europe have navigated the complexities of redesigning their projects for sustained accessibility and functionality in digital research.


9:30 am

Welcome, access check, and land acknowledgement given by Danielle Taschereau Mamers

Introduction to Today’s Event, Claire Battershill

9:45–10:30 am, Panel A, moderated by James Ginther

Hans Brandhorst, Editor in Chief at Iconclass, “DIY Sustainability: The Iconclass Consortium”

Arianna Ciula, King’s College, England, “Overview on King’s Digital Lab Approach to Archiving and Sustainability: Context, Practices and Challenges”

Q&A (15 min)

10:30–11:15 am, Panel B, moderated by TBA 

Jörg Wettlaufer, Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony, Germany, “Sustainability in the Digital Humanities: Some Insights from a German Research and Cultural Heritage Institution”

Christian Steiner, University of Graz, Austria, “A Roadmap for Accessibility, Stability, and Preservation using Linked Open Data und Institutional Repositories

Q&A (15 min)

11:15–12:00 pm Panel C, moderated by Teresa Wong 

Susan Brown, University of Guelph,  “Standards and Interoperability for Sustainability: The CWRC and LINCS Infrastructure Projects”

James Cummings, Newcastle, England, “Building for Failure: Embracing sustainability and principles for digital longevity in Digital Humanities”

Q&A (15 min)

12:15–12:30 pm

Reflection given by Harriet Sonne de Torrens

Concluding discussion moderated by Betsy Moss



Masterclass: Digital Scholarly Editing (Saarbrücken, 19.-23.2.2024) / Deadline 31.10.23

As a continuation of the IDE training events on digital scholarly editing (, the master class Digital Scholarly Editing (#mcdse2024) introduces state of the art techniques of digital scholarly editing practices.

The master class takes place from 19th to 23rd February 2024 in Saarbrücken, at Saarland University. It was initiated by the research project “Sorores” ( and is carried out in co-operation of Universität des Saarlands (chair for Medieval History, Cristina Andenna) and the Institute for Documentology and Editorial (IDE). Participation is free of charge.

The master class will provide you with theoretical and practical knowledge on digital scholarly editing und gives you the opportunity to discuss your own (digital) scholarly edition with peers and known experts. The language of instruction is English.

Please check the school page ( for further details.

Interested persons are welcome to contact us by email (to with their name, institution and description of edition project or edition-related research project (ca. 500 words). There is a limited number of bursaries for accomodation and meals available. Please indicate in your application if you would be interested in receiving this. The application deadline is on *October 31st, 2023*. There will be a waiting list in case of over-registration.

Originally posted by Dr. Torsten Roeder on ide-ssdied list!

Umfrage zu Fortbildungen im Bereich Data Literacy – 4Memory

Um zu ermitteln, welche konkreten Weiterbildungsbedarfe im Bereich Forschungsdatenmanagement und Datenkompetenzen in den historisch arbeitenden Wissenschaften bestehen, lädt Sie das Team „Data Literacy“ des NFDI-Konsortiums 4Memory ein, an folgender Umfrage teilzunehmen:

4Memory entwickelt Handreichungen, Services und Lehr- und Lernformate, um Datenkompetenzen und den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten in den historisch arbeitenden Disziplinen zu verbessern. Die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage tragen dazu bei, einen umfassenden Einblick in die Fähigkeiten und Bedürfnisse unserer Forschungscommunity zu erhalten. Dadurch können zielgruppenspezifische Schulungs- und Fortbildungsangebote entwickelt werden, die helfen, die Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung leichter zu bewältigen.

Die Beantwortung des Fragebogens dauert ca. zehn Minuten. Die Umfrage läuft bis zum 31. Oktober 2023. Unter den Teilnehmenden werden zwanzig spannende Überraschungen verlost.

Konferenzbericht zur Herrenhäuser NFDI Konferenz „Datenräume in Deutschland und Europa gestalten – Impulse der Wissenschaft“ 24. – 25. April 2023

Die Geschäftsstelle des Rates für Informationsinfrastrukturen (RfII) hat soeben einen Konferenzbericht zur Herrenhäuser Konferenz veröffentlicht, die im April 2023 in Hannover stattgefunden hat. Dieser Bericht und weitere Dokumente, Fotos sowie Audio- und Videobeiträge sind unter dem folgenden Link zu finden:

Weitere Informationen dazu gibt ggf. Daniel Zdun vom RFII.

Kontakt – DE